Python Html Document Abstraction

Python is great!

>>> d = document()
>>> d.html.body.h1.value = "My Site!"
>>> d.html.body.p.value = "Welcome to this python generated site"
>>> str(d)
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>< !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML
 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
<body><p>Welcome to this python generated site</p>
<h1>My site!</h1></body><head><title>

(Ignore the added slashes and the additional line breaks caused by wordpress)

By overloading the __get/set/delattr__ functions a html document can be represented like a real python object model.

I’ve just experimented a little bit with python code to ultimately go to write a framework to write nice dynamic python webbased applications in.

Although it appears that the names of the objects (html, body, p, etc) are the tag names, they aren’t. They are the identifiers of the tags.. in case the tag isn’t set by yourself but just created for it didn’t existed it uses as tag its alleged id.

The default created object when no object exists already with that id is a tag. This abstract document won’t be limited to tags. I’ve just made a styleTag class which allows:["font-family"] = 'verdana'

which is basicly the same as["body"].font-family = 'verdana'

In contrary to the normal tag class where an item is an attribute, this is different in the style tag for CSS got a lot of characters which python doesn’t like (like #).

Being able to manipulate a style sheet that easily allows every custom tag (maybe a datetimepickercontrol) to set its own style information by just using simple python code.

For the styletag isn’t bound to putting its emitted css in the emitted-html string itself in case it is emit-ed in a specific context like a webserver, it can even create a seperate css for this purpose.

Python allows much more dynamic features in a dynamic framework like this than any other language, I`m quite enthousiastic about it and am playing with new idea’s like a little child :-).

All kinds of idea’s would be welcome..

Just wondering whether such a thing has already been written for Python.. anyone knows?

The dynamic of python

Python is dynamic (duh)

Dynamic typing
You don’t need to specify the type of an object anywhere.

def PrintSomething(something):
    print something

Everything is an object
Everything, yes, everything in Python is an object. Even an integer, a method, a class, etc.
Every object has got a type (__class__), which actually can be changed at runtime, which usually results in conflicts about the allocated size for the PyObject.

No typing needed
Python doesn’t know interfaces, for if a certain object wants to expose certain behaviour it just implements the required methods.
When you want a object to be comparible in python you don’t inherit something like IComparible like in .Net, but you just create the __cmp__ method.

Fields and methods can be changed (and are the same)
A method and a field in python are 2 the same things. They both rely in the object’s dictionary (__dict__) or of the object’s type’s dictionary (__class__.__dict__).
This allows you to use an object which implements __call__ instead of a method.
For __dict__ is writeable you can change / create attributes (members) at runtime:

>>> sys.__dict__['foo'] = "bar"

A class member function is a normal method, wrapped

>>> class exampleclass:
	value = ""
	def examplefunction(self):
		print self.value
>>> def examplereplacement(self):
	print "replacement!"
	print self.value
>>> instance = exampleclass()
>>> instance.examplefunction()
>>> instance.value = "foobar"
>>> instance.examplefunction()
>>> instance.examplefunction = examplereplacement
>>> instance.examplefunction()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#15>", line 1, in -toplevel-
TypeError: examplereplacement() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
>>> instance.__class__.examplefunction = examplereplacement
>>> instance.examplefunction()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#17>", line 1, in -toplevel-
TypeError: examplereplacement() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
>>> instance.__class__.__dict__['examplefunction'] = examplereplacement
>>> instance.examplefunction()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#19>", line 1, in -toplevel-
TypeError: examplereplacement() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
>>> instance = exampleclass()
>>> instance.__class__.__dict__['examplefunction'] = examplereplacement
>>> instance.examplefunction()

The bound methods seem to work a bit more tricky than they appear to work. Usually editing member functions via the __class__‘s __dict__ will result in a proper replacement.

These were just a few examples of what Python has to offer. These features aren’t limited to Python. Iron Python, an implementation of Python in .Net is capable of letting usual .Net objects to be manipulated in similar ways with Python via Iron Python. Although this doesn’t actually change the .Net objects, changing the wrapper resulting in the required similar behaviour is good enough.

The author of Iron Python has been recruited by Microsoft and is now working on making the CLR more dynamic.

I’d love a static dynamic language.