Opeth’s Ghost Reveries

Sweden’s OPETH and Jens Bogren have finished the recording and mixing of the group’s latest opus, “Ghost Reveries”. The album was mastered on Thursday (June 16) at the Cutting Room facilities in Stockholm. The total running time will be around 65 minutes.

The two released tracks, Ghost of Perdition and The Grand Conjuration sound promising.

The album will be for sale on my birthday :-), the 30th of August.

And they will perform it during their Europian tour, which I`ll visit on the 11th of September in the 013 in Tilburg.

I`m thrilled.

One thought on “Opeth’s Ghost Reveries”

  1. Perhaps they will play the complete GR album? They have a 5th member, so they can only play numbers where some piano parts or things like that are in.

    But I don’t think the 2 new released tracks are really thrilling my brains off. They aren’t really… Opeth. Opeth can do much better than making some simple progressive metal music. I’ve heard this kind of music too many time, which by the way doesn’t mean I don’t like it, but it doesn’t fit with Opeth.
    Opeth should be making music that’s never been made before for the “greater” public. And the really faild to do with these 2 tracks.

    I hope the rest of the album becomes more like Opeth ought to be.

    – Noud Aldenhoven –

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